Photos: Make Your School; Jana-Nita Raker / Wissenschaft im Dialog

Our co-founder and CEO, Peter Sänger, was thrilled to be part of the festival, as we are not only committed to more livable cities of the future and clean air, but we are also always eager to contribute to social sustainability and environmental education.

Peter Sänger, for instance, is personally involved in the “BNE” campaign, “Education for Sustainable Development” (“Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“) initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He highlights “how important it is to recognize the necessity of sustainability and sustainable action”. Thus, not only was the festival “impressed by your creativity, persistence, maker spirit, and courage” for a “better school experience”.

We are especially pleased when our sustainable and natural air coolers and purifiers help improve the environment for particularly vulnerable groups, as they recently did in the community of Schönefeld. You can read more about this in our blog post, “Plant-Based Climate Control in the Schoolyard”.

Photos: GCS

Photos: GCS