The BNW Berlin-Brandenburg Regional Group in Dialogue with Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs Jörg Steinbach

“A truly valuable exchange! Thank you for your insights,” summarized Dr. Katharina Reuter, Managing Director of the Federal Association of Sustainable Economy (Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V., BNW). 

The occasion was a meeting between the BNW Berlin-Brandenburg regional group and the Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor, and Energy of the State of Brandenburg, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Steinbach. This visit took place for the first time at the end of July. According to Dein Lieblingsgärtner, the Minister had “requested this meeting to engage in dialogue with the association and its sustainably operating members, to understand the challenges in the real economy, and to discuss them”.

Photo: BNW

Photo: BNW

Photo: BNW

Check out the Interview!

You can also learn more about Green City Solutions in the BNW’s membership article “The Combination of Ecology, Social, and Economy”.

Photo: BNW