Green City Solutions is powered by a strong ecosystem. Collaboration forms the basis for us to sustainably implement our corporate mission. Due to the diversity of our solution, consisting of technology, IoT, data, and nature, we rely on motivated, first-rate partners by our side who share and embody our mission.

Scientific Partner

Tropos Institut

The renowned Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research in Leipzig is our long-standing partner for measuring and analyzing the effect of our products. The head of the Department Experimental Aerosol & Cloud Microphysics, Professor Dr. Alfred Wiedensohler, and his team provide us with leading support in demonstrating and improving the air pollution control properties of our biofilters.

Green City Solutions partner ILK Dresden Logo

The Institute of Air Handling and Refrigeration Dresden is our scientific partner for research and development questions in the specialist fields of air handling and refrigeration technology and its application areas. Together with the ILK, we measure the filtering and cooling performance of mosses in our products.

Green City Solutions partner Uni Leipzig Logo

Under the leadership of the ILK Dresden, we are conducting research together with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Leipzig on the filtering and inactivation properties of our mosses on viruses, such as the corona virus.

Founded in the environment of the HTW Dresden, we are connected with the Faculty of Agriculture/Environment & Chemistry of the University of Applied Sciences until today. Ongoing supervision of students and research work around innovative cultivation methods and phytoremediation accompany our scientific development.

Dr. rer. nat. M. Lakatos is an expert in bionics and ecology and advises us on the selection, cultivation and use of mosses.

Tropos Institut
Green City Solutions partner ILK Dresden Logo
Green City Solutions partner Uni Leipzig Logo

Technology Partner

Green City Solutions partner Deutsche Telekom AG Logo

As a globally active and innovative telecommunications provider, Deutsche Telekom AG is our strong technological partner. Through joint co-creations, we bring network technology and fresh air together into the city.

Alsecco is working with us to develop a modular façade solution to better integrate fresh air into urban life.

As a specialist in ventilation technology, ebm papst is an important technological partner. Efficient fans were developed for the CityTree that are low-noise and energy-saving and thus ideally suited to the requirements of the CityTree.

Maibornwolff is the software and IoT specialist at our side. This expertise enables us to provide our customers (among others) with the performance data of our biofilters in real time via digital interface (AirCare).

Thies Clima develops, produces and supplies high-quality sensors and complete measuring systems. The company is one of the leading suppliers worldwide. The products meet the requirements of national and international weather services as well as the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) guidelines. At Green City Solutions, we thus always have the most precise weather data to optimally adjust the moss and the effect of the product.

Bettair is a specialist in the detection of fine dust and our supplier of fine dust sensors. Bettair provides hardware expertise as well as a high level of understanding of urban air pollution issues, making it an ideal partner in this field.

KD Elektroniksysteme is our development partner and supplier for the on-board electronics in our products. In addition to its industrial experience, the company from Saxony-Anhalt is also a reliable partner for us in the field of networking, IoT and smart city applications.

CTM Fahrzeugbau GmbH is our versatile partner for metal special constructions, manufacturing tasks and steel construction. The close proximity reduces delivery distances and enables efficient processes.

As another local partner, the Thuringian company Gaßmann supplies us with first-class wood. This high-quality raw material makes our solution a thoroughly sustainable product. Wood, as a raw material of the future, becomes part of the green, clean and sustainable “smart” city of tomorrow thanks to this partner company.

The ENVI-met software makes it possible to create sustainable living conditions in a constantly changing environment and to analyze scientifically what effects different planning scenarios will have. The software model is used worldwide – from the tropics to the polar regions – for environmental analysis and urban planning.

Green City Solutions partner Deutsche Telekom AG Logo

Network Partner

With the award of the “Seal of Excellence” for eligible European innovation to us, a joint and ongoing path of funded projects and pilot projects begins.

Via Companisto, we were able to raise 1.5 million euros in fresh capital at the beginning of 2022, which will be used to realize new developments. Via Companisto, business angels and investors with venture capital jointly participate in outstanding innovations and promising ventures.

At DTAG’s innovation lab in Berlin, we work on the smart integration of communications and network technology into our products.

As Europe’s largest public-private network for innovation against climate change, Climate KIC supports us through certifications, funding and its network.

As a GreenTech startup, the Greentech Alliance is of particular importance to us. In the community we find connections to like-minded people from funding, media and of course GreenTech.

We have been a member of Germany’s most important digital association since 2015. The strong network and the exchange of ideas, learnings and know-how helps us to enable a fresh and clean future for cities and regions with digital infrastructure.

The Eco Innovation Alliance is an alliance of startups, innovation companies and investors from the green economy. The EIA helps us promote our green technology and business model.

Green City Solutions is an AI for Earth Program grantee and was named a finalist at the 2019 Collision Festival in Toronto.

Funding from the BMBFS EUROSTARS program helped us to further develop the technology in the PEPOLL COUNT project. Together with the British StartUp BlockDox Ltd. from London, we integrate, for example, pedestrian counters into the biofilters to find out how many passers-by benefit from fresh air.

Drees & Sommer specializes in the certification of projects and assesses our products with regard to their sustainability.

Goldbach markets and places advertising in private electronic and digital media in the DACH region. Their core business includes planning, consulting, conception, purchasing, and handling through to auditing the media use of electronic off- and online media and multi-screen campaigns.

DeepGreen Funding GmbH (DGF) is the leading expert in securing grants and providing financing advice for sustainable large-scale projects. With DGF, clients can realize their projects in a cost-effective and streamlined manner, making the process as straightforward as possible.

The program “Startups for Sustainable Development” by Google supports a global ecosystem of impact-oriented startups. The program promotes community building and assists startups with advisors, funding, and platform technology. The 17 United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) serve as a framework for measuring impact. The program is not time-limited, aiming to support startups in their mission of long-term impact on a large scale.

Founded in 2007, the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) is now the largest network of its kind in Europe, with over 2,300 member organizations, ranking second globally. The overarching goal of our non-profit association is to actively shape the transformation of the construction and real estate industry, promote understanding of the necessity of sustainable construction, and embed this awareness in the broader public consciousness.

Vision Seven is a task force comprised of seven experts who leverage their combined expertise to provide solutions in the field of climate change. With a focus on fitting tools such as microclimate, bio-tech, air-tech, and urban greening, we support the development of forward-thinking solutions for the city of tomorrow.

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