Creative Business Cup Germany – Final in Fulda

In March, the German Championship of Creative Entrepreneurs, the Creative Business Cup Germany, took place in Fulda.
In 2016, Green City Solutions was itself a – national and global (!) – winner of the Creative Business Network with the “urban tree covered by moss cultures”, and now our CEO and co-founder Peter Sänger was a member of the jury.
He was pleased to join his fellow jurors Alexandra Koch, Adina Schneider (JUSTINS DESIGN GmbH), Senouci Allam (EDUTECS GmbH), Niels Reimann (LIKE2DRIVE), Markus Lorenz (datrycs), and Sven L. Franzen (TIGER Marketing GmbH) and listen to the pitches from a total of 11 founder teams. Competing in the German preliminary round were: Avenir Garment, Fabmaker, Maxluzi, ImmerBunt, Office for Micro Climate Cultivation GmbH (OMC°C), Cerberus Seaweed Systems, Codenauten, Planterial GmbH, Veld, Bobbele Ideas GmbH with “klaep”, and Crafting Future.

This year, Germany is sending “Crafting Future” to compete in the CBC-Global | Bright 2023 in Copenhagen.

“After the German preliminary round in Fulda, winner Can Lewandowski, founder of Crafting Future, had a beaming smile”, according to the announcement. “The Hanoverian was named the most creative, sustainable, and innovative startup in Germany by an experienced jury of entrepreneurs, and will now represent Germany at the World Championships on June 5th, 2023 in Copenhagen. He received the prize from Susanne Stöck of the Hessen Agency.”

The Creative Business Cup competition “enables young companies in the culture and creative industries to exchange and network with investors and global markets”. This year, Germany participated for the ninth time, and the German preliminary round was organized by Gründerregion Fulda in collaboration with Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH, the Stadtlabor Co-Working “Co-KARL” by #fdworks, the Kreativwirtschaft Hessen office, the HA Hessen Agentur as the German partner of the Global Entrepreneurship Network.

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