Innovation against climate change
“Do you ever get the feeling that the world is unraveling before our eyes? Wars, natural disasters, energy crises, climate emergencies, pandemics, inflation – the list goes on. It’s a constant barrage of distressing news,” remarks ProSieben host Thore Schölermann.
However, a far more powerful catalyst than succumbing to the admittedly daunting challenges is hope. “Hope ignites a thirst for the novel and unknown. Because what if this very situation we find ourselves in is, in fact, a colossal opportunity?”
An opportunity to do certain things better? This is precisely what the talk show “Hope For Change” delves into, with a particular emphasis on uncovering “positive developments and prospects for the future” (Source). “What if there are technologies and individuals already equipped with precisely what we require? Isn’t it time we started a conversation about it?”
That’s precisely what Thore Schölermann set in motion. On September 19th, “HOPE FOR CHANGE – THE TALK” took place at the lofty elevation of nearly 3,000 meters on the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest television studio. As a part of the “#OneTomorrow Climate News” and the ProSieben Green Seven Week initiatives, an exhilarating talk show featuring experts unfolded. The message of this event, a prologue to the upcoming Alpine Climate Summit, resonated clearly with all participants: “In the midst of crises and disasters, there is ample room for innovation and positive transformation” (Source). Hosted by Thore Schölermann, the spotlight was firmly on exploring solutions (Source).
Photos: ProSieben &
We are delighted to share that we, represented by our founder Peter Sänger, had the honor of participating in this year’s Green Seven Week and the enlightening talk show “Hope For Change.”
Alongside Frank Böttcher (Chairman of the German Meteorological Society), Patricio Hetfleisch (Tirol Tourism Board, GRETA – Green Travel Alternative), Philip Krammer (Founder of Terawind), Walter Kreisel (Founder of neoom), Jörg zu Dohna (Pyreg GmbH), and Gabriel Baunach (Author), the event highlighted solutions and focused on key themes. Among these themes, one particularly centered on groundbreaking innovations and technologies, emphasizing their existing potential to make a significant impact on addressing climate change (Source).
On the talk show, Peter Sänger presented our air purification concepts centered around moss. The regenerative moss filters – CityTree, CityBreeze, and WallBreeze – are designed to combat heat islands and pollution hotspots in urban areas. These specialized, high-performance plants offer targeted solutions for both indoor and outdoor environments, delivering impressive and quantifiable results. Moss has the ability to capture and metabolize fine particles and cool the environment through water evaporation.By harnessing these natural properties, we’ve pushed the boundaries using state-of-the-art IoT technology and innovative ventilation and irrigation techniques. Remarkably, these systems require just about 50 watts of electrical power to generate 6,500 watts of cooling power, equivalent to the environmental benefits of planting 80-100 new street trees. Moreover, their air particle filtration capacity is approximately ten times more effective than traditional greenery. On scorching summer days, the moss surface can be up to 10°C cooler than its immediate surroundings, making it a game-changer for urban climate control.
The moss modules are integrated into various multifunctional fresh air concepts. They enable diverse applications, including the integration of traditional green elements for biodiversity promotion, analog and digital information displays, seating, water tanks, as well as networking technology or charging infrastructure. Due to their high evaporation capacity, they can also play a role in rainwater management strategies.
Photos: ProSieben &
“We are bringing nature back to the city – and making ‘cool and clean air available to everyone’ with ‘our moss filters,’ as stated by our CEO Peter Sänger (Source).”
These moss filters make a visible and measurable, local, and immediate contribution to more sustainability and a healthy, liveable city.
Alpine Climate Summit: ‘Top-Tier Expert Forum’
This sentiment was also echoed during the discussion atop the Zugspitze: “We find ourselves in a pivotal moment […], where hope and action are imperative. The technologies and solutions are at our disposal – the time has come to harness them and unite in pursuit of a sustainable future” (Source).
“The high-level expert discussions left a strong impression on Theo Zoller, Chairman of the TVB Tiroler Zugspitz Arena, who remarked, ‘No one can ignore the repercussions of climate change any longer’ (Source). Looking ahead to 2024, the climate dialogues on the Zugspitze will persist, with the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena region proudly hosting the annual AlpenKlimaGipfel on the Zugspitze (Source). According to both Zoller and, this choice is particularly apt as the ‘region […] experiences the impacts of climate change more profoundly than any other’ (Source).”
The Green Seven Week
For the past 15 years, ProSieben has been dedicated to addressing sustainable and societal issues under the label “Green Seven” and has given them “special attention in its program.” To amplify these efforts, ProSieben’s magazines, especially taff and Galileo, focus on sustainable themes that “inspire and instill hope for the future” (Source). At the core of the green programming is the “Green Seven Report,” which in 2023 revolves around the theme “How Nature Protects Us from Climate Change – 5 Ideas that Bring Hope” (Source). The “Climate Heroes of 2023,” individuals whose ideas bring hope and rekindle the superpowers of nature, include Bremen entrepreneur Cornelius Bockermann (“How Do We Save Water?”), biologist and conservationist Dr. Michael Succow from Greifswald (“How Do We Save the Air?”), farmer Maria Gimenez from Trebbin (“How Do We Save the Earth?”), and land and forestry expert Korbinian Arzberger from Griesau (“How Do We Save the Forest?” Source).
According to ProSieben CEO Daniel Rosemann, the “Green Seven Week” showcases the “special magic of the ProSieben brand” as the channel has been airing “special reports during prime time” for 15 years, reaching “many people” in the process. “This is unique” (Source).

Photo: ProSieben
The themed week will take place this year from October 2nd to October 8th on ProSieben and Joyn. The “guiding theme” of this year’s “Green Seven Week” is “Let’s save the planet” (Source). In addition to the report, ProSieben will feature “90-second short films offering sustainability tips throughout the entire week, all aligning with the ‘Green Seven’ theme of ‘Let’s save the planet.'” (Source). The “KLIMANEWS” will be broadcast daily immediately following ProSieben news time at 6:10 PM. The production’s motto is “GOOD Climate News” – the format highlights ideas that demonstrate how we can make our future more sustainable right now (Source). sees its mission as “providing users and viewers with well-founded weather and climate knowledge, influencing their daily decisions sustainably, and thereby generating attention for the topic of climate change.” Jens Kreusch, Producer and Director of the meteorological editorial team at, remarked, “At ‘,’ every day we witness how much climate change is already intertwined with the weather and its effects on us” (Source). “That’s why we want to raise awareness about climate change without spreading a sense of doom – we want to show viewers positive examples,” he added. Because “stopping human-induced climate change can only be achieved collectively” (Source). “We are thrilled that we have a dedicated space in the Green Seven Week for this important message,” Kreusch continued. Therefore, they have produced “two sustainability formats, #OneTomorrow KLIMANEWS and HOPE FOR CHANGE – DER TALK” during the channel’s prime time – for the themed week (Source).
Norman Schumann, from ‘KLIMA° vor acht’ shares a positive perspective on the formats, which are designed to raise awareness about the issue of climate change, particularly during the channel’s prime time (Source). Schumann expressed appreciation, stating, “It’s truly commendable that ProSieben, as a prominent German television network, has introduced its own informational format addressing the climate crisis. We are delighted to be part of this project, with ‘KLIMA° vor acht’ serving as a catalyst for these efforts,” he added.
A big thank you to the entire team at, ProSieben & Co., to Thore Schölermann, and, of course, to all participants, guests, and attendees for the inspiring – and “hopeful” exchange! Let’s grow fresh air together!