Significant effect in a small space.
In addition to the existing CityBreeze units at the “3E Einkaufspark Lutherstadt Eisleben,” the GRR Group continues to champion the use of moss. In September, the latest regenerative moss filter was installed in front of the Südring Center in Frankfurt (Oder).
As indicated in the GRR Group’s Sustainability Report, there is a growing imperative for action in the real estate industry to address sustainability. The report highlights the need for proactive and forward-thinking measures in our increasingly globalized world (Source).
From now on, the popular Frankfurt (Oder) shopping center offers more than just a diverse array of products and events; it also provides a seating and information area with a refreshing touch in an unexpected location.
The innovative CityBreeze is the driving force behind this transformation, as this intelligent air filter seamlessly combines sustainability and digitalization in a single solution. Its energy-efficient screen and moss modules with breathable properties contribute to a measurable enhancement of air quality, overall comfort, and the fulfillment of sustainability standards.
Credits: GRR Group, GCS
Thanks to the GRR Group, the expert in retail properties within local communities, an attractive clean air zone that also serves as an information hub is emerging in front of the Südring Center. The professional asset manager is thus able to be environmentally and socially responsible on multiple fronts simultaneously. For instance, they support initiatives such as the Animal Emergency Aid in Frankfurt (Oder). Further details and terms can be found on, the first climate-positive outdoor advertising network.
Dr. Astrid Keller, ESG and Research Manager at the GRR Group, commented on the installation of another regenerative moss filter: “We are delighted to collaborate once again with Green City Solutions. The initial project in Lutherstadt Eisleben was well-received by customers and tenants, convincing us of the versatile utility of these natural air filters.”
During the spring, the GRR Group, where sustainability holds a central position, found the short-term feasibility of the CityBreeze with its significant impact in a small space to be advantageous.
“As we aim for a future-oriented perspective at all levels, the moss filter fits perfectly into our portfolio. The fact that we can support initiatives like Animal Emergency Aid through the screen, in addition to providing clean and cool air, plays a significant role in our commitment to the region. With its versatility, the CityBreeze offers visitors, businesses, and us valuable added benefits,” said Dr. Astrid Keller.
For more information on the key sustainability goals of the GRR Group, please visit:

Credit: GRR Group
“Everything under one roof”: The shopping center on Alexej-Leonow-Straße has been “an essential part of local provision in and around Frankfurt (Oder) for several decades” because it offers something for every customer, regardless of age or budget (Source). While this has primarily applied to “groceries, clothing, and personal care items, as well as a variety of services,” the portfolio has now been expanded to include crucial offerings: cool, clean air and helpful, and up-to-date information.
For more information on the multifunctional, moss-based fresh air concepts, please visit:

Credit: GCS