Cities are key …

… to a climate-resilient Europe – and stronger adaptation targets can boost progress.

Do you know what are the “engines creating the value that boosts economic recovery”?
Cities are!

Do you know who “consumes 78 per cent of the world’s energy and produces more than 60 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions”?
Cities do!

But which are the places where “the fight for a green recovery will be won or lost”?
Cities are!

“Most Europeans live in urban areas” and by 2050, about 66 per cent of the world population will be living there, as the United Nations wrote on World Population Day. Thus, problems as pollution and waste are evolving.

“Urbanization presents some of the most significant opportunities and challenges in the world today. Cities are centres for economic growth and development but also face demographic, environmental, economic and social challenges”, according to UN HABITAT. You could read more in our article “URBAN OCTOBER: World Habitat Day & World Cities Day”.

Across Europe, the “average temperatures […] are rising faster than the global average, and Europe’s cities are feeling the impacts of climate change more regularly and more severely. With the summer of 2023 breaking temperature records, the case for investing in societal resilience to climate change has never been clearer”. [Read more about the European Climate Risk Assessment by the EEA and how “Europe is not prepared for the rapidly intensifying climate risks”.]

There is a need of urban adaption.

Photo: Calvin Hanson

Photos: GCS

What about combining nature with technology?

What about combining moss with state-of-the-art IoT technology, as well as innovative ventilation and irrigation techniques to create and realize clean air concepts?

The specialized mosses are high-performance plants that allow for targeted use indoors and outdoors as an effective and measurable measure against heat and pollutants.

“We must take action to confront climate change and adapt accordingly“, said Andreas Sauerwein, Technical Councilor of the city of Heiligenhaus.

Thus, the city of Heiligenhaus has installed WallBreeze units as answer to the quation “What measures can we take in densely built-up, concrete cities to effectively combat the heat?” (WDR „Lokalzeit Bergisches Land”)

Constanze Schmidt from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy gGmbH confirms that the regenerative biofilters are particularly beneficial “where greening and planting trees are not feasible”. In such cases, they “serve as a valuable complementary measure to cool down public spaces crowded with people and facing air pollution”. [Read and see more in “The breathing Walls of Heiligenhaus”.]